Miyerkules, Hunyo 20, 2012

POPCORN “Perfect Snack Food”

Before we enter the cinema, we always look for a snack bar to buy a bucket of popcorn. We enjoy eating popcorn while watching movies because of the convenience we can get. In cinemas, popcorn is easy to eat because even the lights are out, we can just pick and eat the popcorn even without looking at it.

Popcorn is achieved when the kernels are popped using a stove top kettle, or an ordinary kitchen pot. There are also made popping machines for commercially use, microwavable popcorns for homes for easier preparations.

Popcorns that are homemade are healthier because the consumer can monitor the amount of salt, butter and calories to their popcorns. Readymade popcorns contain high level of salt and sugar. Readymade popcorn comes with different flavors such as caramel, cheese, taco, barbeque, wasabi, bacon and more different flavors that you want.

Popcorn benefits can compare to the nutrients that we can get from eating vegetables and fruits.

Popcorn also offers a lot of health benefits. 

·         Popcorns contains antioxidants called Ferulic Acid that is responsible for some therapeutic effects against diabetes, cardiovascular and neuro- degenerative disease

·         Popcorn is good source of Antioxidants; it strengthens our immune system, delays ageing, fights against cancer, fight damage cells from free radicals, good for heart conditions and other diseases.

·         Choosing popcorns without the hard husk can prevent damage teeth.

·         The hulls of the popcorn (the one that get stuck to your teeth) contain high polyphenols and fibre.

·         Contains anti inflammatory properties

Popcorn Bad Side:

·         Popcorns topped with butter which contains saturated can be dangerous to people who are suffering from heart disease.

·         Popcorn is one of the unfavorable foods for the teeth because it damages the teeth.

·         Popcorn can cause allergic reaction; people who are allergic to corn can be allergic to popcorns too.

·         Popcorn can cause choking to children who are below 4 years old. Guide your child when they are eating popcorns.

·         Flavorant Diecetyl is also in microwavable popcorns; in some studies they have shown that it is hazardous to our health.

·         People who are body weight conscious should avoid eating popcorn because they can gain weight.

·         Popcorn doesn’t contain vital vitamins and minerals that can be found in vegetables and fruits.


Air popped popcorns contains less calories. Microwave popcorn has the twice calories of the air popped popcorn.  About 43% of microwave popcorn is fat. The hull is the most nutritional part of the popcorn not the fluffy white one.

Choose organic popcorns for a healthier and tasteful popcorns, you can also prevent consuming pesticides.
People should preferred homemade popcorns than the readymade popcorns. Readymade popcorns can be too salty and fatty. The Flavorant Diecetyl can be also removed. Oil, butter and salt diluted the health benefits of popcorn and it is adding fat and doubling its calories.

There’s nothing wrong in eating popcorn with little oil or a little butter within a balanced diet.”

“It is the only snack that contains 100% whole grain”
                         -Joe Vinson

Martes, Hunyo 19, 2012

Junk Food is Bad to your health

Junk food is the title given to a food that contains little nutritional value or no nutrients at all. Junk food contains high level of saturated fats, calories, sugar and salt and no proteins, no vitamins and no minerals. Junk food is made without fruits or vegetables ingredients and dietary fibre.

Junk foods as we all know that it only gives bad effects on us but we cannot resist eating from it. Junk food doesn’t offer any health benefits; it just gives us health problems and side effects.

Junk food is preferred and popular because of the convenient it gives, its simplicity in manufacturing, consuming and also for the taste.

We prefer to eat junk food when we’re watching television, movies in cinemas and in picnics because the hassle free it gives in preparing.

Bad effects of Eating Junk Foods:

·         High intake of junk food can cause stomach problems and it can affect the heart

·         Calories present in junk foods can affect having high level of triglycerides
·         People likes to grab easy quick snack that gives them high level of energy but the energy will loss as quickly as they eat their quick snack.

·         Junk food can cause moodiness

·         Junk food can cause in difficulty in sleeping because the energy never restores to normal.

·         Weight gain is another cause of consumption of junk food that results to obesity.

·         Another result is poor concentration

·         Major risk of eating junk food is to have different heart diseases

·         One in three children born will develop Diabetes in future if their mothers are always eating junk food

·         Hypertension is caused when we intake high levels of sodium

Soft drinks and colas are grouped also to be a junk food. It contains high levels of sugar that can also affect our health. Same as the effects above it causes moodiness, poor concentration, sleeplessness, irritability and obesity.

Soft Drink
Junk food also affects the behavior of children consuming it. It affects different senses and behaviors of the children.

 Junk food on children:

·         Aggressive behavior for children is cause because of deficiencies in B Vitamins, proteins, zinc and iron. Children may be irritable and can cause violence. Aggressive behavior occurs to children up to 8 years old. At the age of 17 years old, they are violent and have antisocial behaviors.

·         Addictive behavior, the brain can react to junk food as the same way it reacts to addictive drugs like caffeine.

·         Learning Disabilities, children in school cannot pay attention to their teachers because of too much consumption of junk food. Lack of nutrients in children can help in developing learning disabilities of the child.

·         Hyperactivity, children who are hyperactive cannot stay in just one place. They cannot sit still in a chair. Eating sugary foods can increase the risk of hyperactivity. While eating less sugary food can prevent burst of energy and blood sugar levels.

As for all mothers, you should know the nutritional value of the food that you are giving to your children. Less consumption of junk food can give health lifestyle for all. Try to live healthy and be conscious to the food you are taking.

Biyernes, Hunyo 8, 2012

Cheezy Cheese! Good and Bad Benefits!

I really love cheese. Especially when grated cheese is sprinkled in my spaghetti and when I have a cheeseburger it really makes me happy. Cheese is mouth watering for me.  Cheese spread in my bread every breakfast. Pizzas topped with different cheese like the cheddar, mozzarella, and parmesan cheeses made the pizza taste gratefully. Cheese gives colors to the food I really love to it.

Cheeses are made from milk.  Usually milk from cows, buffalos, goat and sheep are used to make cheese.  Cheese is produced in different flavors, types and textures. Hundreds of types of cheeses are produced. It depends on the taste, styles, texture and the origin of the milk. Cheese has more compact and has a longer life than the milk. 

Cheese is Rich in:

·         Calcium
o   It strengthens the bones and teeth. It is very important for children, elderly people and pregnant mothers.
o   Calcium helps prevent Osteoporosis
·         Vitamin B
o   helps absorb and distribute calcium
o   it also helps with those with high blood pressure
·         Tryptophan
o   Amino acid that relieves stress and induce sleep
·         B Vitamin
o   Are good for maintaining supplies and gives you healthy and glowing skin.
·         Phosphorus
·         Fat
·         Protein
·         Vitamin A
·         Riboflavin
·         Vitamin B12

Cheese Health Benefits:

·         Cheeses increases saliva flow that washes away acids and sugars

·         Tooth decay is prevented because of the present calcium, protein and potassium that protects the tooth enamel

·         Cheese promotes good sleep

·         Cheese is known to prevent cancer also because of the content known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Sphingolipids that helps prevent cancer

·         Cheese can perfect the way of the bones of the Osteoporosis people.

·         Cheese enhances blood formation, strengthens liver and facilitate in the absorption of the nutrients in the body.

·         Cheese is an excellent way in gaining weight.

·         Cheese is very good to pregnant mothers because it helps them to stimulate contractions when baby is coming out. It is a good choice to help produced proper milk for the baby when they are born.

·         Cheese can reduce the problems associated with PMS

·         Cheese is good for people who have migraines and headaches.

·         Cheese have positive effects in our immune system

·         Cheese is very useful in preventing Diarrhea and constipation.

·         Cheese is known to maintain good eyesight

·         Cheese stabilizes normal intestinal flora and promotes digestion.


Cheese is known to be the number one source of saturated fat. Saturated fat can increase the risk to develop heart diseases.

Cheese is avoided by people who are lactose intolerant because cheese also contains lactose, lactose is found in milk. Cheese contains less lactose in it because of the processed it undergone.

Some reactions also occur because of the amines that can also be found in cheeses.  Some aged cheese may have these amines that can trigger allergic reactions, like skin rashes, headaches and blood pressure increases.

If you eat so much cheese your calories will go up high too. Watch the amount you are consuming if you don’t want to gain too much weight.

Why Peanuts are Healthy?

Peanuts are a good source of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Peanut comes from a legume family. Peanuts are edible legumes related to beans. They are group in a pod and grow underground.
Peanuts are popular to every country to provide healthy nutrients. Peanut is one of the most nutritious food chose by vegetarians and meat lovers. 

Peanut offers many valuable minerals and vitamins that will help our body to maintain good health and to fight and prevent some diseases too. Regular and enough consumption of peanuts can help you to lower the risk of having heart problems. Peanuts can also a good food that can be included to your diet habit.

Peanuts Healthy benefits:
  • Reduces the risk of having cardiovascular diseases for women
  • Lowering the risk of having Type 2 Diabetes
  • Controls weight gain
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Reduces the risk of Senile Dementia
  •  Blood sugar controls
  • Prevents anemia because of the protein content

Peanuts are Rich in:

·         Carbohydrates
o   Essential body fuel of our body
·         Protein
o   Components of our body cells
o   Protects our health
o   Good for muscles
o   Helps repair damage cells in our body
o   Acts a building blocks of our body
o   Good source of energy
·          Iron
o   Essential for correct function of red blood cells
·         Monounsaturated fats
o   Good for preventing heart related conditions
o   Lowering cholesterol levels
·         Polyunsaturated fats
o   Helps maintaining even blood sugar levels
·         Resveratrol
o   Prevents having heart problems and strokes
o   Shown having cancer preventives for animals studies
·         Vitamin E
o   Is a natural antioxidants that fights against free radicals
o   For healthier and fairer skin
o   Keeps the heart healthy
·         Potassium
o   Maintains a good level of blood pressure
·         Phosphorus
o   Strengthens the bones
o   Gives us energy for our daily activities
·         Fiber
o   Prevents constipation and protects colon
o   Helps lowering the cholesterol level
·         Vitamin B
o   Acts as a key of having good and healthy metabolism
·         Polyphenols
o   Contains anti inflammatory, anti- bacterial and anti- mutagenic properties
o   Acts as a good cancer preventive
·         Niacin
o   Delay aging of the brain cells
·         Magnesium
o   For healthy and strong teeth and bones
·         Low sodium
o   Helps maintain healthy water retention 

Different Kinds of nuts:

                  o   A good choice for keeping your bones healthy

                                      Brazil Nuts

                                 o   Rich and a good source of Selenium

                                                 Cashew nuts
               o   Provides lot of zinc, potassium, more protein 
                                                  and carbohydrates

                                 Chest Nuts
                o   The only nut that contains Vitamin C

               o   Rich in protein and unsaturated fat

               o   If included in diet, it can reduce 
                                    the risk of having heart diseases


        o   A nut that is rich in oil


 People who are into body building should consume peanuts because of its high protein contents that could repair and help their body muscles and body tissues to develop. Peanuts are also good for people who are weak and think.


People with kidney problems and gall bladder problems should not eat peanuts, because peanut contains measurable oxalates. When oxalates become too concentrated with body fluid it may crystallized and gives you health problems

People with thyroid problems should avoid eating peanuts too, because peanuts also contain goitrinogens that can obstruct with the functioning of their thyroid glands.

Huwebes, Hunyo 7, 2012

What’s your favorite food? Fried Chicken!

Chicken is known to be a best source of protein. Chicken is a very popular in the whole country. Chicken is a healthy addition for a well balance diet. People who love to eat meat but conscious on the amount of fat they are also taking. Chicken’s different part could be low in fat just don’t add its skin.
Fried chicken is the food that loved by almost all the people in the world. It’s the most favorite food of children. If you asked them, what their favorite food is, they’ll just say I want Fried Chicken. It makes them happy. We enjoy its crispiness and powerful taste that makes us really hungry. Just the smell from the houses frying fried chicken makes us hungry even we already ate our lunches. 

Fried Chicken are can be made at home. Do your own recipes. Put your favorite spices and put a lot of pepper to reveal its true taste. Every mom wants to give their children fried chicken for some treats. Fried chicken is also available in different restaurants and fast food chains. They offer more recipes to choose from. According to some studies that fried chickens from fast food chains are not good to your health because of too much fat that you can get from eating that fried chicken.

We all know that fried chicken is a source of too much fat, but in the other side Fried chickens has also their nutritional value and some health benefits. Chicken breast is the healthiest part of a whole chicken. 

Chicken are known to be fatty because of its skin. Just remove the skin part and you’re going to enjoy a healthy food.

Fried Chicken benefits:
  • Fried chicken helps regulate the normal level of your cholesterol
  •  Decreases the risk of having different Heart Diseases
  •  It maintains our strong and healthy bones.
  • It relieves stress
  • Helps fight the symptoms of PMS
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Helps build and maintain body tissues
  • Improves appetite

Fried Chicken is Rich In:
  •         Vitamin B6 which helps in lowering the risk of having heart diseases and strokes.
  •       Calcium and phosphorus for bones
  •        Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) which play a role in fighting stress.
  •        Magnesium for a better mood
  •        Blood pressure lowering potassium
  •          Riboflavin for health body tissues
  •          Zinc
  •        Selenium
  •         Iron

Negative Effect of too much consumption of Fried Chicken:
  • Obesity
  • Can cause heart problems
  • High Blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol level
  •  Weight problems
  • Too much calorie in the body

Warning: Daily consumption of fried food may harm your health. Too much fat can cause a lot of health problems. Obesity is the next step if you eat fried food every day.

Drinking One Glass of Milk per Day Keeps Sickness Away!

When we are all young, milk used to provide us our daily needs. The nutrients, energy, food when we were babies, these are all given by milk. Milk consumption is very important for our body to maintain health, it gives us energy for doing our daily activities and it is the best source of calcium.

Milk comes from different resources.
  • Milk comes from our own mother’s breast. We all know that mother’s milk is the best milk and the healthiest milk we could ever consume.
  • Animals also provides milk that we are drinking until now, there’s cow’s milk, goat’s milk, carabao’s milk. It gives us fresh milk that we can put in our daily bowls of cereals and oats.
  • Milk made from powdered milk is also popular these days.

Milk is Rich in:
  • Calcium – it is the number 1 nutrient that we can get from milk. Calcium helps our body to have stronger bones and teeth. Calcium also contributes to our muscles and blood.
  •  Protein helps repair damage muscles and cells in our body. Protein acts also as building blocks and fight bad bacteria. Protein is also a good source of energy.
  •  Potassium helps in maintain a good level of your blood pressure.
  • Phosphorus helps strengthen the bones and also gives us energy.
  •  Vitamin D is good also for the bones.
  • Vitamin B12 is good for our red blood cells and nerve tissues.
  • Vitamin A gives us a clearer and healthier eye vision. Vitamin A also maintains a healthy immune system.
  •   Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) it helps our body to convert carbohydrates to energy that we can use for our daily routines.
  •    Niacin metabolizes fatty acids and sugar in our body.

Milk is packed with health nutrients that we can only have if we eat salmon, carrots, broccoli, banana, beans, all the nutrients that we can have from these food are all in milk already. Just drink 8- ounce glass of milk and you can get those minerals.

Drinking Milk Health Benefits:
  • Milk provides a good balance of nutrients
  •  Milk maintains strong bones
  • Milk drinkers are more like thinner that those who don’t drink milk.
  •  Milk gives us strong and healthy teeth
  •  Milk with a portion of fruits and vegetables can lower our blood pressure.
  • Milk and cardiovascular has a linked that drinking of milk can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases.
  • Milk keeps us hydrated. Milk contains a good quantity of water molecule and it is considered that milk is a good fluid for rehydration.
  •  Milk is known to benefit our skin by maintaining the smooth and fair complexion.  Cleopatra the Queen of the Nile is known to be one of the most beautiful in all times. She used to have milk bath everyday to keep her skin soft and beautiful skin.
  •   Milk consumption can help in reducing acidity.
  • Regular Low fat milk consumption reduces the risk of having Type 2 Diabetes
  •  Women who used to drink milk when they are young until now have a lower risk to develop breast cancer.
  •  Men who drink 1.5 or more glasses of milk per day have a 35% less of risk to have diseases and cancer.
  •  Milk doesn't contribute fat so you don’t need to worry about the extra added pounds.

·         Drinking 1 glass of hot milk before going to bed helps soothes your nerves and relaxes your tense muscle for you to fall asleep immediately.

Lactose Intolerance (lactase deficiency) is the inability of one individual to digest lactose, sugar found in milk. Lactose intolerant people have insufficient levels of lactase.

Lactose Intolerance Symptoms and Signs are:
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach rumbling
  • Stomach cramps
  •  Flatulence
  • Nausea
  •  Diarrhea
Dairy products: Good sources of Calcium too. Milk is one of their ingredients.
  •      Milk
  •     Cheese
  •     Ice cream
  •          Yoghurt
Ice Cream

Miyerkules, Hunyo 6, 2012

Chocolate for Pleasure Only?

We all love to eat chocolates. Chocolate can make one person to feel comfortable and happy. It brings so much emotion in every single time. Chocolates are loved by children up to elderly. Chocolates are also the best you could ever give to your love one’s because they will appreciate it so much and they can enjoy your chocolates when they eat it.

Chocolates are made from the seed of the tropical Theobroma Cacao Tree. The seed of the cacao tree has a bitter taste; the seed needs fermentations to develop its taste. After the fermentation, the bean is dried, cleaned and roasted then the shell of the seed produced the nib, then the nibs are ground to produce the pure chocolate. After gathering the pure chocolate powder it will be liquefied and then called the chocolate liquor.

Different Types of Chocolate:

These varieties of chocolates are made using different ingredients to add on.
  • Dark Chocolate: Sugar + Cocoa Butter + Cocoa Liquor + (sometimes) Vanilla
  • White Chocolate: Sugar + Coca Butter + Cocoa Liquor + Milk or Milk Powder + Vanilla
  •  Milk Chocolate: Sugar + Cocoa Butter + Milk or Milk Powder + Vanilla

Dark, Milk and White Chocolates
Chocolates are very sensitive to the temperature and humidity of its storage area.  There is what they call “Chocolate Bloom” it only occurs when the chocolate is not stored and served properly.

Chocolate Bloom appears a white moldy like coating of the chocolate bars. In every production houses or factory of chocolates, chocolate bloom is their main concern.

There are two type of Chocolate Bloom:
  •  Fat bloom
        o   Fats in the chocolates are rising
  • Sugar Bloom

o   It is form because of the action of the moisture of the sugar in chocolates

Chocolate with blooms are still safe to eat, but the appearance could change that gives unappetizing appearance and surface textures.

Chocolate Health benefits:
  • Antioxidants

o   Chocolate contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants that help our body to fight against free radicals, damage cells and it also help in bad cholesterol
  •        Cavity Prevention

o   Chocolate from its original state doesn’t contain sugar. Chocolate without the sugar has their natural antibacterial property that fights bad cavities.
  •        Depression

o   Chocolate can put in a good mood.  
  •        Decreases the risk of Strokes

o   People who are eating one serving of chocolate every week have a lower chance to have stroke.
  •         Longer Life Span

o   People who are eating chocolates every month have the chance to live longer than those who don’t eat chocolate.
  •       Menopause

o   Chocolate helps ease the symptoms of Menopause and PMS.
  •        Lowers LDL Cholesterol
  •        Cancer Fighter

·          Chocolates are Rich In:
  •       Carbohydrates

o   A carbohydrate found in chocolates raises the level of endorphins in your brain that makes you feel in a good mood.
o   Carbohydrate also increases the serotonin level in our body that makes us happier.
  •        Flavonoids

o   It increases the blood flow in our brain that’s why before going to school drink or eat chocolate for you to think fast and for math subjects who can count or compute easier.
o   Helps reduce blood pressure
  •        Caffeine

o   Gives you alertness and energy
  •         Theobromine

o   It’s good for person with cough. It controls the cough reflexes.
  •         Magnesium

o   Chocolates contains magnesium that helps you regulate your digestive system

 We enjoy chocolate even in its different form:
  • Chocolate Cakes
  • Chocolate ice cream
  • Chocolate Drinks
  • Chocolate Bars
  •  Chocolate Candies
  • Chocolate Doughnuts
  • Chocolate Syrup
             Chocolate Cake                                                         
Chocolate Drink
Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Doughnuts
Chocolate Syrup
Chocolate Ice Cream
Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Candies
Dark Chocolates are known to be the healthiest in chocolate from all the variants of chocolate.

People who are regular chocolate consumers are more likely to be thinner than to those who don’t.

Some studies said that there are compounds in chocolates that can alter your metabolism and reduced the fraction of calories that gets deposited as a fat.

Chocolate in moderation is good for you.

A piece of chocolate everyday for you is good but too much can also harm you.