Huwebes, Hunyo 7, 2012

What’s your favorite food? Fried Chicken!

Chicken is known to be a best source of protein. Chicken is a very popular in the whole country. Chicken is a healthy addition for a well balance diet. People who love to eat meat but conscious on the amount of fat they are also taking. Chicken’s different part could be low in fat just don’t add its skin.
Fried chicken is the food that loved by almost all the people in the world. It’s the most favorite food of children. If you asked them, what their favorite food is, they’ll just say I want Fried Chicken. It makes them happy. We enjoy its crispiness and powerful taste that makes us really hungry. Just the smell from the houses frying fried chicken makes us hungry even we already ate our lunches. 

Fried Chicken are can be made at home. Do your own recipes. Put your favorite spices and put a lot of pepper to reveal its true taste. Every mom wants to give their children fried chicken for some treats. Fried chicken is also available in different restaurants and fast food chains. They offer more recipes to choose from. According to some studies that fried chickens from fast food chains are not good to your health because of too much fat that you can get from eating that fried chicken.

We all know that fried chicken is a source of too much fat, but in the other side Fried chickens has also their nutritional value and some health benefits. Chicken breast is the healthiest part of a whole chicken. 

Chicken are known to be fatty because of its skin. Just remove the skin part and you’re going to enjoy a healthy food.

Fried Chicken benefits:
  • Fried chicken helps regulate the normal level of your cholesterol
  •  Decreases the risk of having different Heart Diseases
  •  It maintains our strong and healthy bones.
  • It relieves stress
  • Helps fight the symptoms of PMS
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Helps build and maintain body tissues
  • Improves appetite

Fried Chicken is Rich In:
  •         Vitamin B6 which helps in lowering the risk of having heart diseases and strokes.
  •       Calcium and phosphorus for bones
  •        Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) which play a role in fighting stress.
  •        Magnesium for a better mood
  •        Blood pressure lowering potassium
  •          Riboflavin for health body tissues
  •          Zinc
  •        Selenium
  •         Iron

Negative Effect of too much consumption of Fried Chicken:
  • Obesity
  • Can cause heart problems
  • High Blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol level
  •  Weight problems
  • Too much calorie in the body

Warning: Daily consumption of fried food may harm your health. Too much fat can cause a lot of health problems. Obesity is the next step if you eat fried food every day.

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